Jennifer C. — The Blake Group
The world has gotten smaller. Social media, the internet, and the information age have brought us into an era where anyone in the world is a few clicks away. Despite going to the same coffee shop for ten years, we still see people we don’t know: the man always wearing his sunglasses inside, the woman with the crying baby, the elderly gentleman reading in the corner — you’ve seen them every day for five years, but who are they? They just might be your next big sale.
That’s how, despite only being an agent for four months, Jennifer C. has risen to one of the top producer spots. Whether she’s getting coffee in the morning or at the bank when the day is done, she introduces herself to everyone she meets. For her, there are no strangers.
“Make it like you’re going to see a friend,” she says, “Not a stranger, not somebody that doesn’t want this.”
For her, it’s not just a job: Jennifer genuinely loves people. She sees her role with Senior Life Insurance Company as an opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and minister to them.
Ministering is an important part of Jennifer’s life. From rough roots, she has risen to become a mother of two beautiful children and husband to an Evangelical minister. Together, they run Recovery Ministry, serving men and women struggling with addiction. They are currently in the process of building a new half-way house in their hometown of Rayne, LA, and in the meantime, they share their own home with the men and women they serve, helping them get clean, get a job, and get their lives back on track.
It’s no surprise someone who cares so much does well in the final expense industry. As someone who has lost a loved one, Jennifer understands people need insurance. “I am able to stand in the gap,” she says, “I will be able to be at that funeral when these people pass and be their voice when they’re gone. I’m that advocate. When they pass away, my face is the last face these families will see.” For Jennifer, they aren’t just potential customers: they are potential friends and family. When she sees a lead, she sees a “husband, a wife, a grandmother with a house full of kids.”
Jennifer understands the importance of treating her customers like members of her own family. After losing a loved one, she discovered the life insurance policy her mother had was taking advantage, and her family was forced to pay out of pocket for funeral expenses. Whenever she thinks about her customers, she thinks about how much money and heartache her own family would have saved by switching to Senior Life.
Family plays an important role in Jennifer’s life. She’s a wife and a mother of two children, and she loves having a job where she can spend time with her children, her husband, and her brother. The flexibility and freedom offered by Senior Life Insurance Company has completely changed the atmosphere of her home. While she works, her kids clean the house and cook dinner to help; her children see the energy and understand how amazing it is: her 17-year-old son wants to follow his mother’s footsteps after he graduates!
He’s got a lot of steps to follow. Jennifer C. is a road warrior, driving all over the region to make sales, and she isn’t afraid to put the car in park and do some walking. When she goes to a neighborhood, she doesn’t stop with her lead; she goes from house- to-house, hitting every home to find potential clients. “If I have no luck at one house with that lead,” she says, “I will walk the neighborhood. I will go to the neighbor’s house next door, across the street. I’ll walk the block. I introduce myself, tell them what I’m doing, and nine times out of ten? I get the neighbor.”
This road warrior strategy gives her a special relationship with her customers. They don’t just see a saleswoman who comes and goes in their life, they have someone they know is going to get out of her comfort zone and help them where they are. Her clients know they can rely on her, even after she’s made a sale.
Even failure doesn’t stop Jennifer. She’s views them as an opportunity to grow as a person and an agent. “If I don’t make a sale, I still made a friend,” she says. Though Jennifer often takes to the streets on foot, leads are an important part of her toolbox, and she loves making use of them. She currently chases up to forty leads a week, and she is aiming for fifty or even sixty as she gets more confident in her role with Senior Life Insurance Company, “I look at my leads like a stack of cash,” she says, “These are all $500.00 bills sitting right there.”
The secret to Jennifer’s success is no secret: “Apply the tools,” she says, “Everything is provided for you.” In fact, Jennifer considers the Senior Life Insurance Company’s system so simple, she feels like she’s cheating. “For me,” she says, I have no clue what’s happening. I just work, and it falls into place. My manager calls me: you’ve got money coming in.” She has fun at work, and that energy really shows! Jennifer is always asking for more: more leads, more referrals, more work.
Her RVP, Doug B. praises her, “It’s always next, next, next with Jennifer — she’s so coachable. She’s amazing.” That relationship with her manager matters: she believes its important to work with her mentors and directors. Jennifer first joined Senior Life through her manager, David P., and she considers his mentorship a blessing. She calls the opportunity David P. and Senior Life have given her a “pot of gold.” Her RVP, her directors, and her managers are all a part of her support network, taking the hard work out of hard work, and on bad days, her coworkers and managers give her a boost that helps her work even harder.
Hard work deserves hard play, and Jennifer doesn’t believe in sitting still. In her off time, along with being a mother, wife, sister, and helping her husband run his ministry, she is a member of her local Roller Derby league, where she skates with her team, aiming for victory. Wherever Jennifer goes, she’s part of the winning team.
Jennifer knows when it comes to life insurance, Senior Life Insurance Company is the winning team, hands down. When asked “What does ‘Senior Life All Your Life’ mean to you?” Jennifer said, “It’s a family who embraces you, who loves you. Senior Life Insurance Company has been so good to me they acknowledge you, and everybody knows who you are. It means we care and love our clients. It’s a blessing It’s really changed my life.”